International Move of a Goldfish

International move of a Goldfish  Neem contact op 25 Years ago I relocated  a very nice family from the US. They had a dog, a cat and a goldfish. The pets were joining the family after their move to the Netherlands. The dog and the cat were easy, although the costs...

Erkend Referent

Erkend referent Neem contact op Onlangs werd ik benaderd door een Kennismigrant. Hij was van baan veranderd.  Zijn nieuwe werkgever bleek echter nog niet aangesloten te zijn bij de Kennismigranten module als “Erkend referent’. Gelukkig was de IND zo vriendelijk...

Dutch Driving Licence

Dutch Driving License Neem contact op A while ago I got a call from a stressed Expat. He had been stopped by the police and they had taken his car. Why? He was a resident and had not changed his Foreign Driving License into a Dutch one. His employer was unaware of...